Save On Taxes
I Have A Perfectly Legal Way For You To Save A Bundle Of Money On Taxes, Computer Hardware, And Support,
But You Have To Act FAST…
Please forgive the headline if it seems a bit “sensational”, but we really needed a way to get your attention about a perfectly legal way to save a LOT of money on taxes, computer hardware and office equipment.
Let me explain…
Thanks to a special tax deduction for small businesses titled “Section 179 election”, the Federal Government allows you to buy up to $560,000 in machinery, computers, software, office furniture, vehicles or other tangible goods and REDUCE your taxable income on your current year’s tax return.
But to get the deduction for tax year 2012, you have to act now, as once the clock strikes midnight on 12/31/12, Section 179 can’t help preserve your 2012 profits anymore.
But That’s Not The Only Way You’ll Save Money… Manufacturers and Vendors Are ALSO Giving Year-End Discount and Incentives
Most IT vendors and manufacturers offer really incredible rebates and discounts on equipment towards the end of the year in a last ditch effort to improve annual sales. After all, they need to look good to their investors!
So if you are going to need a network upgrade in their near future, you can not only get better deals on software and equipment, but you can also get the generous tax savings, making this a ‘double dip” on saving money.
But Here’s How I'm Going To
“Sweeten The Pot” And Help You Save Even MORE Money
Upgrade your network with us before December 15, 2012 and also receive:
- 3 FULL Months Of Our Budget Friendly IT (Basic) Managed Services Plan absolutely FREE.
- We’ll send you a FREE copy of the book, “How To Pay Zero Taxes 2012: Your Guide To Every Tax Break The IRS Allows”.
This Is Absolutely The BEST Way To Save A Lot Of Money On IT Services And Support For 2012 (and beyond), But You Must Act NOW Because These Incentives Are Going To Go Away Fast
Now is the best time to get those last minute tax deductions in place! To schedule a meeting with our team to discuss exactly what type of upgrades and support you will need for 2013, give me a call at 615-377-0054, email us at [email protected] or fill out the form above today.
Remember, the ONLY way to take advantage of the discounts and tax breaks outlined here, you must act before December 15, 2012 to ensure that we’re able to install your equipment before the end of the year. After that, all bets are off.