Nashville Computer Web Content Appliance Checklist Customer*NCI Sales Person*Enable Wireless: Yes No Guest Wireless Enabled: Yes No VPN Access: Yes No Number of users for VPN Access:*Web Blocking Categories: DescriptionAll Web Traffic: Any HTTP Traffic* Block Allow Active X: Includes all ActiveX applications* Block Allow Adult Content: Adult sites not falling in "Porn, Nudity, Swimwear & Lingerie, Sex Education, and Sexual Health & Medicines" will be included in "Adult Content" and which may contain material not suitable to be viewed for audience under 18* Block Allow Advertisements: Sites providing advertising graphics or other pop ad content files* Block Allow Alcohol and Tobacco: Sites providing information about, promote, or support the sale of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products or associated paraphernalia* Block Allow Alcohol and Tobacco: Sites providing information about, promote, or support the sale of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products or associated paraphernalia* Block Allow Arts And History: Sites primarily exhibiting artistic techniques like creative painting, sculpture, poetry, dance, crafts, Literature, and Drama. Sites that narrate historical details about countries/places; events that changed the course of history forever; sites providing details and events of all wars i.e. World Wars, Civil Wars, and important persons of world historical importance* Block Allow Astrology: Sites showing predictions about Sun signs and into various subjects like Education & Career, Love Relationships, etc.* Block Allow Audio Search: This category includes URLs that provide audio search.* Block Allow Blogs: This category includes URLs that allow users to post or edit content quickly and spontaneously such as Web logs (blogs) or wikis* Block Allow Business And Economy: Sites sponsored by or devoted to business firms, business associations, sites providing details for all types of industrial sector like Chemicals, Machinery, Factory Automation, Cable and Wire, sites providing information about couriers and logistics, and Non-Alcoholic Soft drinks and Beverages* Block Allow Chat: Sites hosting Web Chat services or providing support or information about chat via HTTP or IRC* Block Allow Commercial Banks: Commercial Banks Category includes all Banking Sites i.e. International / National Public or Private Sector Banks providing a wide range of services such as all types of Accounts and Cards, Fixed Deposits, and Loans* Block Allow Commercial Banks: Commercial Banks Category includes all Banking Sites i.e. International / National Public or Private Sector Banks providing a wide range of services such as all types of Accounts and Cards, Fixed Deposits, and Loans* Block Allow Communication: Sites offering telephone, wireless, long distance, and paging services. It also includes sites providing details about Mobile communications / cellular communications* Block Allow Computer Security: Sites that provide information about or free downloadable tools for computer security.* Block Allow Cookies: Includes all cookie based web pages* Block Allow Cricket: Sites providing Live Scores of cricket matches, Debates on Cricketers, Top 10 Cricketers, Cricket News, and forthcoming Cricket matches. Cricket Category is differentiated from Sports Category and solely devoted to Cricket activities* Block Allow Crime and Suicide: Advocating, instructing, or giving advice on performing illegal acts such as phone, service theft, evading law enforcement, lock-picking, burglary techniques and suicide* Block Allow Cultural Institutions: Sites sponsored by museums, galleries, theatres , libraries, and similar institutions; also, sites whose purpose is the display of artworks* Block Allow Dating And Matrimonial: Sites assisting users in establishing interpersonal relationships, friendship, excluding those of exclusively gay, or lesbian or bisexual interest and Matrimonial Sites providing photos and details of individuals seeking life partners* Block Allow Download Freeware And Shareware: Sites whose primary purpose is providing freeware and shareware downloads of application, software, tools, screensavers, wallpapers, and drivers* Block Allow Drugs: Sites providing information about the cultivation, preparation, or use of prohibited drugs* Block Allow Education And Reference Material: Sites offering books, reference-shelf content such as atlases, dictionaries, encyclopedias, formularies, white and yellow pages, and public statistical data* Block Allow Educational Institutions: Sites sponsored by schools, colleges, institutes, online education and other educational facilities, by non-academic research institutions or that relate to educational events and activities* Block Allow Electronics: Sites providing information on manufacturing of electronics and electrical equipment, gadgets, instruments like air conditioners, Semiconductors, Television, Storage Devices, LCD Projectors, Home Appliances, and Power Systems etc.* Block Allow Entertainment:Sites providing entertainment sources for Movies, Celebrities, Theatres, about or promote motion pictures, non-news radio and television, humor, Comics, Kids and Teen amusement, Jokes, and magazines* Block Allow Fashion And Beautyt: This category includes URLs that market clothing, cosmetics, jewelry and other fashion oriented products, accessories, or services. This also includes product reviews, comparisons, and general consumer information* Block Allow Finance: Sites providing information on Money matters, investment, a wide range of financial services, economics and accounting related sites and sites of National & International Insurance companies providing details for all types of Insurances & Policies* Block Allow Gambling: Sites providing information about or promote gambling or support online gambling, involving a risk of losing money* Block Allow Games: Sites providing information about or promote electronic games, video games, computer games, role-playing games, or online games* Block Allow Government:Sites sponsored by countries, government, branches, bureaus, or agencies of any level of government including defense. Government associated Sites providing comprehensive details on Tax related issues excluding Government sites providing Visa and Immigration services* Block Allow HTTP Uploadt:HTTP Upload Restriction* Block Allow Hacking: Sites that provide information about or promote illegal or questionable access to or use of computer or communication equipment, software, or databases.* Block Allow Hate And Racism: Sites that foster racial supremacy or vilify/discriminate against groups or individuals by race, color, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, etc* Block Allow Hobbies and Recreation: Sites providing information about or promote private and largely sedentary pastimes, but not electronic, video, or online games. Home life and family-related topics, including parenting tips, gay/lesbian/bisexual (non-pornographic sites), weddings, births, and funerals Foreign cultures, socio-cultural information* Block Allow Homosexuality: This category features subject matter on Gays, Lesbians and Bisexuals, including non-pornographic related links such as personals, dating, and on-line shopping.* Block Allow Human Rights And Liberty:Sites advocating sand protecting Human Rights and Liberty to prevent discrimination and protect people from inhumane* Block Allow IP Address: Sites accessed through IP address.* Block Allow ISP Web Hosting: Sites enabling users to make telephone, lease line, ISDN, Cable, V-SAT connections via Internet or obtaining information for that purpose. Sites providing hosting services, or top-level domain pages of Web communities* Block Allow Illegal Unethical: Websites that feature information, methods, or instructions on fraudulent actions or unlawful conduct (non-violent) such as scams, counterfeiting, child abuse, tax evasion, petty theft, blackmail, etc.* Block Allow Image Banks* Block Allow Information Technology: Sites sponsoring or providing information about computers, software applications, database, operating system. Including sites providing information of hardware, peripherals, and services. Sites offering design, flash, graphics, multimedia, and web site designing tutorials, tools, advice and services* Block Allow Instant Messaging: Sites enabling instant messaging* Block Allow Internet Radio TV: Websites that broadcast radio or TV communications over the Internet.* Block Allow Internet Telephony:This category includes sites that enable users to make telephone calls via the Internet or obtain information or software for this purpose.* Block Allow Jobs Search: Sites offering information about or support the seeking of employment or employees* Block Allow Kids: Sites designed specifically for kids* Block Allow Legal Organizations: Includes legal resources such as bar organizations, lawyers committees, legal services, and references.* Block Allow Militancy and Extremist: Sites offering information about groups advocating antigovernment beliefs or action* Block Allow Mobile Entertainment: This category includes URLs that provide software or utilities for mobile phones that can downloaded from Websites and delivered to mobile phones* Block Allow Music: Sites providing songs and music and supporting downloads of MP3 or other sound files or that serve as directories of such sites* Block Allow Nature And Wild Life: Sites providing information about Nature, explorations, discoveries, wild life, animals, birds, protecting endangered species, habitats, Animal sanctuaries, etc.* Block Allow News And Media: Sites offering current news and opinions, including those sponsored by newspapers, general-circulation magazines or other media. It also includes sites of advertising agencies and sites providing details of weather forecast* Block Allow Non-Government Organizations: This category includes URLs with content from nongovernmental organizations such as clubs, lobbies, communities, nonprofit organizations, labor unions, and advocacy groups.* Block Allow Nudity: Sites depicting nude or seminude human forms, singly or in groups, not overtly sexual in intent or effect. It includes Nude images of film stars, models, nude art and photography* Block Allow P2P: Dedicated Web sites to communicate informally with other members of the site, by posting messages, photographs, etc.* Block Allow Personal And Biography Sites: This category includes sites that once served content, but their domains have been sold and are no longer registered. Parked domains do not host their own unique content, but usually redirect users to a generic page that states the domain name is for sale or redirect users to a generic search engine and portal page, some of which provide valid search engine results.* Block Allow Personal Storage: Websites that permit users to utilize Internet servers to store personal files or for sharing, such as with photos.* Block Allow Phishing and Fraud: Websites that permit users to utilize Internet servers to store personal files or for sharing, such as with photos.* Block Allow Photo Galleries: Sites providing photos of celebrities, models, and well-known personalities Such sites may also contain profiles or additional elements as long as the primary focus is on multi-celebrity photographs* Block Allow Plagiarism: Websites that provide distribute or sell school essays, projects, or diplomas.* Block Allow Political Organization: Sites sponsored by or providing information about political parties and interest groups focused on elections or legislation* Block Allow Porn: Sites depicting or graphically describing sexual acts or activity, including exhibitionism and sites offering direct links to such sites. Sites providing information or catering Gay, Lesbian, or Bisexual images and lifestyles are also included in this category* Block Allow Portals: Portals include web sites or online services providing a broad array of resources and services such as search engines, free email, shopping, news, and other features* Block Allow Property And Real-estate:Sites providing information about renting, buying, selling, or financing residential, real estate, plots, etc.* Block Allow SPAMURL: This category includes URLs that arrive in unsolicited Spam emails. Spam URL content ranges from product marketing to potentially offensive or fraudulent sites.* Block Allow Science: Sites providing news, research projects, ideas, information of topics pertaining to physics, chemistry, biology, cosmology, archeology, geography, and astronomy* Block Allow Search Engines:Sites supporting searching the Web, groups, or indices or directories thereof* Block Allow Sex Health And Education: Sites providing information regarding Sexual Education and Sexual Health and sites providing Medicines to cure and overcome Sex related problems and difficulties, with no pornographic intent* Block Allow Shares And Stock Market: Sites providing charting, market commentary, forums, prices, and discussion of Shares and Stock Market. It also includes sites dealing in online share trading and sites of stockbrokers* Block Allow Shopping: Sites supporting Online purchases of consumer goods and services except: sexual materials, lingerie, swimwear, investments, medications, educational materials, computer software or hardware. Also Sites of Showrooms, Stores providing shopping of consumer products* Block Allow Social Networking: Dedicated Web sites to communicate informally with other members of the site, by posting messages, photographs, etc.* Block Allow Society And Culture: Sites featuring articles on healing solutions in wellness, personal growth, relationship, workplace, prayer, articles on God, Society, Religion, and ethics* Block Allow Spirituality: Sites featuring articles on healing solutions in wellness, personal growth, relationship, workplace, prayer, articles on God, Society, Religion, and ethics* Block Allow Sports: Sites providing any information about or promoting sports, active games, and recreation. All types of Sites providing information about Sports except Cricket* Block Allow Spyware: Sites or pages that download software that without the user's knowledge.(other than simple user identification and validation)* Block Allow Swimwear And Lingerie: Sites showing images of models and magazines offering lingerie/swimwear but not Nude or sexual images. It also includes Arts pertaining Adult images and shopping of lingerie* Block Allow Travel Food And Immigration: Sites providing information about traveling i.e. Airlines and Railway sites. Sites providing details about Hotels, Restaurants, Resorts, and information about worth seeing places. Sites that list, review, advertise, or promote food, dining, or catering services. Sites providing Visa, Immigration, Work Permit and Holiday & Work Visa details, procedures and services* Block Allow URL Translation Sites: Sites offering Online translation of URLs. These sites access the URL to be translated in a way that bypasses the proxy server, potentially allowing unauthorized access* Block Allow Vehicles: Sites providing information regarding manufacturing and shopping of vehicles and their parts* Block Allow Video Search: This category includes URLs that provide video search.* Block Allow Violence: Sites featuring or promoting violence or bodily harm, including self-inflicted harm; or that gratuitously displaying images of death, gore, or injury; or featuring images or descriptions that are grotesque or frightening and of no redeeming value. These do not include news, historical, or press incidents that may include the above criteria* Block Allow Weapons: Sites providing information about, promote, or support the sale of weapons and related items* Block Allow Web Based Email: Sites providing Web based E-mail services or information regarding email services* Block Allow please add any specific web sites that you would like blocked.CaptchaNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ