Network Security Assessment Will Reveal Where Your Computer Network Is Exposed And How To Protect Your Company Now
The first company to sign up by March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day) will receive this assessment FREE of charge.
The next 10 companies that register in the month of March will receive the Network Security Assessment at the discounted price of $995 (regularly $1995).
Here’s how it will work:
- Submit the form on the right side of this page.
- Nashville Computer’s Business Development team will be in contact with you to setup a pre-audit meeting.
- One of our Senior Engineers will be scheduled to conduct a complete health check of your network in which he will:
- Review your server logs to uncover developing problems and conflicts that will turn into unexpected downtime.
- Look for hidden viruses, spyware, and loopholes in your network security that could allow hackers and viruses to compromise your network and confidential information.
- Verify the integrity of your data backups. (Note: Tape backups fail at the rate of 78% of the time; don’t wait for a crisis to hit before you discover yours weren’t working!)
- Diagnose any ongoing problems or concerns you are currently experiencing with your network.
- Complete a non-invasive network scan to get an insight of what is on the computer network.
- Complete a Firewall and Internet check to look for open ports and vulnerabilities.
- Much more.
- After the assessment is done, we’ll prepare a customized “Report Of Findings” that will reveal specific vulnerabilities and provide a Prioritized Action Plan for getting these security problems addressed fast. This second meeting should be a real eyeer for you since almost all of the businesses we’ve done this for discover they are completely exposed in a number of areas to various threats.
If you see the value in engaging beyond this assessment, great! We can implement the plan to get these security problems solved quickly.
If you don’t– that’s OK too. We’ll wish you well knowing you are armed with the best information possible.
To Get Started And Reserve Your Assessment, Complete the form to the right.
Important! We hate spam as much (or more!) than you and promise to NEVER rent, share, or abuse your e-mail address and contact information in any way.
"Excellent service, reliable and knowledgeable..."
Excellent service, reliable and knowledgeable… each of the reps that have worked with us are honorable and respectful, not geek-like at all! These folks are computer-whizzes in the truest sense of the word.Neil Andrews, Pastor of Worship Arts & Communication, New Hope Church
"We are very fortunate to know and trust them with our needs"
Our association with Nashville Computer spans many years. They have always provided us with superior customer service. The attention they give the customer is outstanding company wide. Their vast knowledge of the computer and IT business is paramount in the expertise they bring to the table. We are very fortunate to know and trust them with our needs.Kay Brant, American Home Design