Here’s A Perfectly Legal Way For You To Save
A Bundle Of Money On Taxes While
Updating Outdated Computer Equipment,
But You Have To Act FAST…

Please forgive me for the headline if it seems a bit “sensational,” but I really needed a way to get your attention about a perfectly legal way to save quite a bit of money on taxes while updating outdated computer equipment that is going to quickly pass you by if you don’t act soon.

Thanks to the recently updated tax deduction titled “Section 179 election” (see for details), the Federal Government allows you to buy up to $25,000 in machinery, computers, software, office furniture, vehicles or other tangible goods and take the full expense deduction in the current year, thereby REDUCING your taxable income on your current year’s tax return. ‘Want to replace a Windows Server 2003? Here’s the perfect way to write off the entire purchase price of the server.

It’s important to note that this is significantly less than the 2013 deduction allowances, but is still real money in your pocket! But you have to act now, as once the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, Section 179 can’t help your 2014 profits anymore.

But Here’s How I’m Going To “Sweeten The Pot” And
Help You Save Even MORE Money

In the spirit of saving you money, I’ve decided to “sweeten the pot” and make the following offer to anyone looking to take advantage of this end-of-year deduction. Call us before December 15, 2014, to discuss potential hardware purchases in your business, and not only will we provide you with a full action plan to implement your new technology before December 31st, we will also send you a FREE copy of the book 1001 Deductions And Tax Breaks 2014: Your Complete Guide To Everything Deductible – a smart business owner is always looking for more ways to save money!