How To Unlock The Secrets Hiding In Your Web Site Report

Web site reports can tell you a LOT about the visitors to your web site IF you know how to read them. Here’s a quick lesson on how to decipher those reports …

Hits vs. Unique Visitors

It’s been said that “hits” is short for “How Idiots Track Sales.” Total hits is a deceptive number because a single visitor on a single page could easily pull a dozen files or more.

We focus on “unique visitors,” the best indicator of how many individual people are actually visiting your site. If your number of unique visitors is extremely low, it’s either a sign of weak marketing or a technical issue. Note however that 61.5% of web traffic is via “bots” (non-human traffic) searching the web.


What web browsers are visitors using when coming to your site? There are many browsers in use today, including mobile browsers. You need to test that your site works with all the browsers identified in your reports.

Exit Page

Your “Exit Page” shows the last page someone is at before they leave your site. If you’re not getting visitors to “convert” to a customer or lead, take a closer look. There may be a technical issue, a bad web site headline, no offer, slow-loading graphics or confusing copy. Something on this page is making your visitors leave without doing what you want them to do.

Experiment with various headlines, offers and designs until you find something more successful.

Update Keywords and Keyword Phrases

Be sure your web site keywords line up with the words people use when searching for products or services you offer. Keeping these aligned will allow you to optimize your conversion rate and minimize your expenses when using pay-per-click search-engine marketing.

If you have questions or need help with your website, call James at Nashville Computer. He can help you with all aspects of websites, including design, hosting, SEO, company branding and more.  His direct number is 615-425-4773.

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