Shiny New Gadget
of the Month
Have you ever felt overwhelmed or even drowning with the number of emails in your inbox?
Then SaneBox could be your answer. This month’s gadget is a cloud-based software application that helps you manage your email. SaneBox analyzes your email behavior on all your devices. Then, based on which emails you let slide and which ones you open right away, SaneBox creates rules about sorting your email for you. The result? Your inbox only has emails you need to attend to now. All other emails go to your SaneLater folder. You can drag and drop emails from that folder to your inbox, and from then on, those emails will display in your inbox.
SaneBox keeps you focused on high-priority emails. There’s nothing to download. There are additional productivity features to manage tasks, your calendar, and your attachments. And the SaneBlackhole is the fastest way to unsubscribe from emails. See
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