Just Because You’ve Been LUCKY
Enough To Avoid A Cyber-Attack
Doesn’t Mean You’re Not At Risk
Our Network Security Audit Will Reveal
Where Your Computer Network Is Exposed
And How To Protect Your Company Now.
I know you’re tempted to think, “That won’t happen to us.
We’re just a small company. Who’d want to hack us?”
Which is exactly what cybercriminals WANT you to think!
With St. Patrick’s Day this month, I want to take a moment to remind you that just because you’ve been “lucky” enough to avoid an incident like this in the past doesn’t mean you’re not at risk – in fact, that’s a very dangerous way to think. That’s why during the month of March, we are offering our in-depth Network Security Audit for the discounted price of $995. This comprehensive IT Audit will reveal your exact risk to common security loopholes cybercriminals use on a regular basis to get around firewalls and antivirus software to gain entry to your computer network. Normally we charge $1995 for this service, but we’ve decided to give our discounted rate to the first 7 lucky companies who request it by March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day).Our Network Security Audit Gives You Complete Peace Of Mind:
At no obligation, our highly trained team of IT pros will come to your office and conduct a comprehensive Network Security Audit to uncover loopholes in your company’s IT security. After the audit, we’ll prepare a customized “Report Of Findings” that will reveal specific vulnerabilities and provide a Prioritized Action Plan for getting these security problems addressed fast. This report and action plan should be a real eye opener for you since almost all of the businesses we’ve done this for discover they are completely exposed in a number of areas to various threats.To Get Started And Claim Your Network Security Audit Now Call Our Office at 615-864-9307.
Don’t delay! Because of the intense one-on-one time required to deliver these Network Security Audits, we can only extend this offer to the first 7 who respond by St. Patrick’s Day
(March 17th).
Claim Your Network Security Audit
Important! We hate spam as much (or more!) than you and promise to NEVER rent, share, or abuse your e-mail address and contact information in any way.
"Your Team Has Been Outstanding!"
I just wanted to take a few moments and express to you some thoughts. Your team has been outstanding! What an amazing team of intelligent, patient, dedicated group of engineers you have....I cannot say enough about Troy what a champion among engineers! These guys have made the transition all I hoped for and more. It is hard to believe a company of your size puts the Ciscos and Presidios to shame!!! As you know I am very well attached literally to the tech world and if any company I ever touch through my dealings ever needs any tech needs there will be no list of names, only Nashville Computer!!!!!! The best feeling of all is that it doesn't feel like some sterile job being done, I feel like I have a family helping to make our business all it can be....again just a small note to just say Thank you and praise your team!Desiree Simmons, Carpet Den Interiors