We at Nashville Computer enjoyed the opportunity to provide a local premiere of Cyber Crime at the end of June. If you haven’t heard, Cyber Crime is a documentary starring our very own Charles Henson. The event was held at the Franklin Theatre in Historic downtown Franklin, TN. We were happy to see clients and business associates taking the time out of their busy day to come see this film. Thank you to those that were able to come, and if you weren’t able to make the event here are a few pictures from that day!
We were glad a few of our engineers were able to attend this event. (From left: Josh, John, Troy, Cory, Kara)
The star of the show, Charles Henson, giving a brief introduction to the film.
We want to say a huge “thank you” to our sponsor for this event, Ciardi Ciardi & Astin.
Account Managers Patrick Maley and Justin Lipscomb before the viewing.
We always enjoy opportunity to catch up with our clients. Thank you for coming!