Employee Spotlight

Ron Adcock

Senior Support Engineer


“Cloud technology has really come to the forefront in tools that our clients use. More work is definitely being done on different types of devices and the data is stored more in a cloud environment. This is convenient for the users, but also creates new challenges in keeping data secure and accessible,” says Ron Adcock, Senior Support Engineer.

Ron has been with Nashville Computer since 2004 and works remotely with our clients on a daily basis. He has personally helped many of our customers through all kinds of challenges with their computers and networks. One of his biggest concerns is Data security. With CryptoWall and other viruses running rampant, Ron stresses, “Data should be backed up to keep it safe from corruption. Viruses at this time can encrypt data so that there is no easy way to recover other than from a backup. More threats are coming from the Internet that will exploit weak passwords and non-secure networks.” Having a professional IT person, like Ron, helping you secure your computers and networks is becoming more important all of the time.

Ron is also the proud father of two children, son Trace and daughter, Eva Joy. He and his wife, Brenda help teach their 1st and 2nd grade Sunday School for 3 months out of the year. He says it is great to see how his children interact with the other children in their age group.

A photography hobbyist, he mostly takes pictures of the family, but likes to explore different techniques for landscapes and portraits.

He and his family are very excited about their vacation plans for this August, when they will be staying in a cabin in North Carolina with other members of their extended family from Connecticut.